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#14 Island Stroll CAL - Week 6

Posted on 10-6-2022 by Pleun_yarnandcolors.com

#14 Island Stroll CAL

Week 6 - The Thumbelina Square

We are meeting an old friend from earlier on in the Island Stroll CAL. And don’t we love old friends? This week you will make your last Thumbelina squares!

Tess tells us about this week:
“The sixth week is here and we are now passing the halfway mark of our Island Stroll CAL. We will now revisit the beautiful Thumbelina Square from week three to make our final ones. Please note that if you are making the blanket you’ll only make two more, but if you are making the pillow you’ll make three as the last one will be used to close our pillows up at the very end.”

Please note that there is a slight difference between the squares for the blanket and those for the pillow. You will find two downloads beneath. One for the blanket and one for the pillow. Make sure to download the right one! Tess will help you as usual with her video-tutorial. Just follow the link.

Island Stroll CAL Blanket - Download

Island Stroll CAL Pillow - Download

If you prefer visual instructions, don’t forget to check the video’s.

Click here for the Youtube tutorial

For a full color PDF and more background information go to sistersinstitch.com

Happy crocheting! We would love to see all of your Thumbelina’s lined up on social media. Tag them with #IslandStrollCAL so we can see them.


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